My Beautiful Experience

Sunday, June 13, 2004

I Gave My Wighead the "Friends" Haircut Vol 6

I gave my wighead the ' Friends' haircut!

06.06.04 04:06 pm

Did you hear me? I can give any one of you the Friends haircut!!! Mahdis Aniston!!! Sarah Cox!!! It's commonly known as the increase layer cut and its fun to do, I can see why all the stylists went a little layer happy. It looks good, and is flattering on almost everyone. Even my weird looking rubbery wig head (mannequin, whatever), Erica. Its much more satisfying than the Dorothy Hamill cuts we worked on last week, the graduated form cuts. Pro skating has never been the cutting edge of style, and it certainly isnt now. Although, the ratty bleached Tonya Harding pony has never lost popularity in the outlying areas of America's major cities...
We have also been working on rollersets. Rollersets gove you big hair. Really big hair. Ms Kendra calls it " Big Ol' Texas Hair" everytime she says it. I really like putting the rollers in and doing the dos, but I cant imagine anyone really wanting their hair to come out like that. Picture Loretta Lynn, or Bret Micheals (of Poison mini-stardom.) I think itll be useful for art and runway hair. And for Halloween costumes of course. God I love Halloween. Anecdote: A few Halloweens ago I had this Gambian boyfriend (A mistake intend never to duplicate) who was supposed to be coming over to my house. I was waiting, but in my usual fashion, doing 10 things at once in the house, plus he's African so I didnt think twice that he was 45 minutes late. I thought I heard his car pull up but I didnt hear a knock so I assumed it was a neighbor. Finally I came downstairs and I could hear him and his friend talking to each other animatedly in Sarahoule. I opened the door to see him and his friend, both large, grown men, held at bay on my patio by the two glowing jack-o-lanterns I had placed on the first of the three little stairs leading to my door. They were not amused, but that was alright because I was amused enough for the three of us. They were convinced it was some voodoo spell and wouldnt even step over the damn things to get to the door. They had been standing there for half an hour. Probably the most fresh air either of them had gotten since trading their lives as Gambian shepards in for new ones as African/American drug dealers.
Anecdotes aside: School seems to be going well. Amazingly enough, we are approaching the end of the quarter. I have a 91% even after missing two solid weeks of school. We are doing a lot of practical work and less "theory" which is great. Unfortunately, the social element gets more and more annoying the longer everyone knows each other. Ruby is 20, there are 3 other Rubies (one of them being people and the naming!)so she had to make up a name so they wouldnt get them confused on the floor. She chose Ginger. She has strawberry blonde, just above shoulder length hair with lots of red and blonde streaks. She laughs a nervous laugh whenever she speaks in front of the class, even if there is nothing funny going on. She has absolutely alabaster skin which she claims "tans really good" after she gets that good base tan in. I shudder to think about the process of the base tan. She wears thick black eyeliner in that smudgy way and tons of black mascara. It doesnt look bad, per se, but I think the idea is to make her small blue eyes look bigger and smoky, and it doent acheive either of those things. She smokes newports or marlboro lights, has a very curvy body and a big ass which I think she feels puts her closer to being black. She has those kind of arms that become the arms of women working at stores in Sequim or even smaller towns on the olympic pennisula, where you can buy beer, marshmallows, kindling and maps. She is still young, but you can imagine them thick and hanging. She affects black speech patterns, but her inflection belies a small town Oregon upbringing. She dates predominantly black men. (theres a theme there that I think deserves, and may well receive further examination) All in all, though she is sweet and I have feeling for her youth, she grates on my nerves like a dentist drill. Most recently her boyfriend was picked up running from the cops. Apparantly he has several offenses from which he has been evading arrest for the last 2 years. She feels really badly for him, as he has been trying SO hard to turn over that new leaf ( not hard enough to not be buying herb on the street and get caught but...we do the best we can). Anyway, he's locked up which has resulted in her having a whole lot of new free time. She had never been to a party or a club before as of this year. Now that her man is in the clink she, Jamila, Nathan and Monica, all under 21, have been hanging out all hours of the night everynight, and coming in to school exhausted, of course, falling asleep in class asking even more moronic questions than usual, and worst of all, going over every detail of every night out at the all ages clubs like no one had ever gotten drunk, groped and danced like a damn fool in a club before. She and Monica both have crushes on Nathan and laugh constantly at everything he says and does. Hes a funny cat, true enough but come on! No man wants you follow him around like a blue heeler. I know they're young and I probably did the same thing (noireallydidnt) but, Jesus, I never went to school with people like this before in my life. Not even in middle school. I never wanted to shush someone so badly while the teacher was talking. COME ON KIDS!!! THIS IS BEAUTY SCHOOL, its just not that hard. The other day as they were kvetching about how hard the concept of pincurls was to grasp, Marc (the frosted ex-military gay boy)said "God, you are all such a bunch of whiners. Did I say that out loud? " I wanted to hug him.I have to take frequent deep breaths and smile a big smile to try to get my inner feeling to match my face. Im telling you , I have had to trick myself in many ways throughout this process.


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