My Beautiful Experience

Friday, January 06, 2006

Clothe Me, and Pass the Oragel.

I’m starting to work on Saturdays, which is good because the salon is busier and I’ll get more experience and because I wont have to come in on Mondays and whistle Dixie for ten hours. It sucks because I wont have any time off with people who work regular hours, which is everyone I know, and as well (is there a worse idea than all you can eat pancakes?? IHOP cut it out!!! We are morbidly obese, morbidly!!! We don’t need to test our pancake intake potential!) I am totally unused to going to bed early on Friday nights and so am watching Will and Grace which is not as funny as it should be for being as popular as it is. I didn’t come York to hang out though, I came here to hustle, so Saturdays are for the best. Im suffering a little right now too because I just overflossed after having lost my floss in the post Spokane shuffle, and I also burned my cheek on a hot walnut this morning. From my mother I inherited a penchant for the “twice baked.” The premise is that anything toasted, toasted again, is 100 percent better than when first baked. Throw a package of standard graham crackers in the toaster oven, you’ll never go back. In summation: burnt raw cheek from hot walnut, sore gums and a touch of deep depression. The depression comes from the only dance class I can stomach, Ousmane Sall’s Thursday Kutiro/Sabar class, being cancelled for four months so that he can jaunt off to Senegal . So damn selfish! I was so crushed when I went to Djoniba and found out that there was no class that night, nor any other for months, and there was some short Cote d'Ivoire guy teaching (in a pink pantsuit, the top of which laced up the sides) that I went directly into the neighboring Union Square Petco, headed downstairs to the parrot area to visit the birds. I spent about a half an hour talking to a sun conure, felt better. I went upstairs, perused the cat adoption area, heard the volunteer telling a crazy cat lady that though she was sure she provides a good home, she couldn’t in good faith let her adopt a SEVENTH cat for her studio apartment, went home and drowned my sorrows with my roomate's houseguests in a glass of chardonnay and a dumb horror movie starring Kate Hudson as a wannabe nurse who lands a job caring for an old guy in a creepy New Orleans house that turns out to be Hoodoo central. Gotta watch out for those African slave spirits down there in the bayou apparently! Yeah, I watched the whole thing. My edge: Lost.
I met the owner of a very posh salon on Madison on New Year’s Eve. I have his card, and I need to go and see him. I know he liked me and that his place is well known and very nice. I’ll tell you something though, I haven’t gone because I cant figure out what to wear! None of my clothes hold up to these places. You have to have a certain amount of funding just to walk in the door and be at zero, if not then your cheap pants start talking before you do and your working with negative numbers right outta the gate! Ive gone over my wardrobe 100 times in my head and can think of no combination that will get me to zero. Black pants are neutral but they're not edgy and they say…”I could always get a restaurant job if this doesn’t work out!” I don’t like jeans and anyway people around here read back pockets like Hasids read the Talmud; Sevens, Citizens, blah blah blah! I cant spend three hundred dollars on pants of any kind let alone ones that could be equally at home in the key arena. I don’t know what to do. Basically, if I like it enough to buy it I cant afford it. MARC JACOBS IF YOURE READING THIS, CALL ME!! SPONSOR ME!! TAKE PITY ON ME AND SWADDLE ME IN YOUR BEAUTIFUL OVERPRICED CLOTHES!! There needs to be some kind of organization that provides designer fashions to those who cant afford them and want to become successful in New York, cause its like goggles for the 100 meter freestyle; you cant make it without ‘em! I was invited to a swanky birthday party in the meat-packing district tonight and I didn’t go, same reason. I’m going to have to find a solution to this problem. I’m taking suggestions, and donations! Narsisco?
Alright, Will and Grace has segwayed into Frasier and even I have standards. Goodnight, hopefully since mouth tissue heals fast, I'll be feeling considerably better tomorrow morning. Even with the soreness, I'm so glad I found the floss. It really is the cornerstone of adequate dental hygiene. Happy new year and anyone who wants a terrific garbanzo bean and eggplant salad recipe should call me, I have developed a fantastic knack for the bean salad since quitting wheat. So delicious!


At 4:09 PM, Blogger ateqah said...

hi viv! i want the recipie (sp? i can never spell that word) for the salad. sounds delic, and for some reason, every time i go to the store, i always pick up garbanzo beans, thinking i need them (have yet to actually make anything with them at this point...)

hope to see you soon! your blog always keeps me smiling!
xoxoxo, ateqah


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