My Beautiful Experience

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Fatigue Sets In

Fatigue sets in.
08.14.04 04:08 pm
In the fight to conquer my natural profound lack of motivation and discipline, I've fostered this sort of tiredness-is-lazyness additude. And frequently, it's true. But as this quarter wears on and its been more than six months since Ive had a full day off, save the day I played hooky with Jason, I am experiencing some serious fatigue. I notice it in my leg muscles. The first 20 minutes of dance class, my legs are just screaming "Lay it down you bitch! Just give us a few hours peace!" It wears off, but I think the ol' gams may have a point. 9-5 standing on the linoleum, then dance from 730 to 930, then a quick change and either out to a club, somewhere to eat or grocery shopping, then up at 7 the next day to run or go to the gym and start again. Whatever, I'll rest when Im dead ;). I have been experiencing unexplained calf pain...I hope its a cramp and not a blood clot. Not too much happened this week. Nathaly allowed Ms Kendra to use her as a model for spiral perming which I simply can't believe. She had waist-long, perfectly straight hair, which Ms Kendra wound around alternating peach and orange rods to produce the most License to Drive era 'do I have seen since 1985. She went from a cute millenium mallteen look to Pretty Woman pre Richard Gere. And the clincher with perms? They're in till you cut 'em out. Ouch. In other news, I gave the grossest pedicure in the history of womankind. If that happens to my feet when I get old, never mind, it's simply not going to. I wore gloves, and she really was a nice lady but, I just had no idea you could have that amount of...I dont know what it was...buildup...under your toenails. Enough. I won't be doing pedicures in my real beauty life, not if I can help it. I did a pretty good rollerset on a wonderful lady from Nawlins who is almost 70, looks 50, and has been dyeing her (relaxed) hair Ronald Mc Donald red for 30 years. Downside was, she leaned back and stained the front of my pants magenta. Weak. It was through that damn smock too. Other than that, we had a great time. Im hoping she'll come to me regularly and start teaching me creole patois. On Friday, Lindsey Steel came in for color, I did a 5G on the underpart of her hair, from the occiput down, and in fang shapes above the ears so it shows over her shoulders. She is one of those rare women whose hair actually grows out of her head light blonde. It looked awesome with dark under it, lots of depth. I did a really nice press and flatiron on a young Eritrian woman for the rest of the day. Gave her the ol' curl flip. Very cute. She looked at Melashu (who was working the front desk, since it's been recognized that Ms Charlene is a freaking incompetant maroon) like "You gave me to a white girl?" when she came in, but she left asking if she could request me next time. Alrighty then! You can t argue with a good press. Our class has lost three more people this week. Rosa, who looked just exactly, bone chillingly like one of the wigheads and had about the same personality, dropped to go to school with her boyfriend at North Seattle. Liz, the tiny, adopted, Korean girl, asked Ruby to break her from Dispensary for 15 mins on Tuesday and never came back. And sadly, sadly, upon being assigned a rollerset on the floor last Friday, Nathan told Ms V and Ms Belle that he didn't want to be here, that he just wanted to go to barbering school, walked out, and his name has been crossed off the attendance list. Not a word from hime since. I'm crushed. I hope he does go to barbering school, but beacuse he decided to drop in the middle of the quarter, financial aid wont cover him any more and I seriously doubt he'll be able to pay the $5000 on his own. The blacuum strikes again. I met with Damaris, Ms V's daughter. She co-owns and works in Damaris Latrelle Salon and Dayspa, a premeire African American spa on 23rd accross from Mt Cavalry Baptist and Philly Cheesesteak. She's letting me come in 3 or so days a week over September to assist her and the other stylists when its busy in return for her teaching me her specialty, the art of natural styling (locks twists braids etc.), in the downtimes. I am so excited and honored, she has never let anyone come work with her before. I don't know what I did to get so lucky but Im not asking any questions. Damaris is beautiful, she has short black twists with cocoa colored ends, her hands look just like Ms V's, and move just as quickly and perfectly. The salon is classy as hell, it doesn't even feel like Seattle, and certainly not like the CD. It's like a set from one of those black sitcoms; all dark wood and well placed afro centric decor. Drawings of sultry black women, fertility statues like they now (strangely) sell at Marshall's, and maroon drapey curtains. Everyone has fantastic hair that expresses their distint personality: twists, braids, baby fros... I have a feeling its going to be a real learning experience in every way. Some of the sisters looked at me with trepidation but everyone was cordial if not genuinely nice. I think I'll grow on them. It ought to complement Robert Leonard's bustling honkey-tude nicely. Have a great week!


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