My Beautiful Experience

Monday, September 13, 2004

So far, nothing.

So far, nothing.
09.11.04 01:46 pm
I haven't done crap since school let out!! Well, I worked that one early-ass Jewish wedding. The bride (as is customary, apparantly) hadn't eaten in 24 hours and hadn't seen her husband to be in a week. Sounds like some good ways to soothe the bridal jitters... They were classic neurotic types. Half the family is aussie and the other half, the groom's half, is NYC Jews relocated to Chi-town. It was pretty much archetypal...replete with "oh my goad, my son is getting married, I think I'm going to pass out! I feel weak, do I look pale? Is everyone ready? Where is my speech? I'm going to pass out. Everyone looks amazing, they're so elegant, I'm such a schlub." and " Did you want your hair like that, it looks like a tornado over here, is this what you asked for really?" I was glad it was me doing it because I can think of many stylists who either would have taken real offense and gotten pissed or super flustered and cried. I could see it was just normal Semitic family interaction. The daughter was so chronically annoyed with her mother and all the shrill hypercritical banter that she's irritated before a full sentence is out of the woman's mouth. I felt for both of them. They were actually a really nice family though and even though no hairdo can disguise that kind of rhinostrosity, they looked pretty darn good when all was said and done. They all had very specific way that they just KNEW their hair looked the best. I saw that coming days prior, when I saw the aforementioned excel spreadsheet and was emotionally prepared. Why do elderly women with no hair always feel they need maximum volume? Its nearly impossible! Finishing touches for grooms mom? A pearl yarmulke. I pinned it on. Don't ask.
Glynne and I got along great and I did better, she said, than the first time so I felt good about that. I didn't interview anyone in Spokane, so youll have to hold breath on that one...I cut my sister's bangs...she was a royal pain in the ass; "They feel short..are they short? Did you peice them through or are they straight across?" Good practice, good practice, all in a day's work. I gave my darling friend Mark a fade as per request of the master chief on his Coast Guard icebreaker (to each their own!)He hates having his hair cut. He sat so still it was amazing. He has super tight curls and had been sporting an adorable natural, so I imagine he was as concerned about my dipping a hole in it as I was. He hardly breathed. It looked cute though, I left the edges round. I made business cards at my dad's house in Spokane, it was fun and they came out pretty good for some homemade crafts. Countenance Style Network is taking its first baby steps towards reality! Thats about it..I start interning at the new Salon on Wednesday. Exciting. Love and Knishes, V


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