My Beautiful Experience

Friday, April 20, 2007

Its All so Overwhelming

I have been doing a lot, people. Dont think that because Im not writing im sitting around in my bathrobe with the shades drawn, smoking newports and watching All My Children, like my onetime (shortlived) roomate Jackie Adams was wont to do on her days off. No. I did indeed go to Senegal, and it was amazing. Lots to tell on that front, and some pictures when I can use a computer made in the modern age which can accept larger files. I went to LA and introduced Ben to the whole fam damnily. That was a blast (look for massive rants on the difficulties of living in LA in 2009...) and I got a new job.
For so long I dreamed of writing:

"For my first year and a half in NY, I worked in a salon on the Upper East Side." All the cool passivity of past tense, the ease of hindsight, the echoes of calm laughter recalling times PAST. Now that time is here.
For my first year and a half in NY I worked in a salon in the Upper East Side BUT NO MORE!!! And it feels even better than it sounds. I will be amending this entry shortly, perhaps even tomorrow, and putting in some senegal detail and some scoop on the new job as well as a description of the massive farce that was the NY state board practical exam. Good Lord. For now I must get to bed early enough that i can get up and do a little yoga before i go to work, as well as get my laundry out of Mahdis' basement before some Philip Seymour Hoffman type starts sniffing my panties. Really this was for Joanna, who never wanted to see the phrase "Brotherhood of the Crazy Hats" ever again.
Done. See you soon.