My Beautiful Experience

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Cabo Job-o!

Sammy Hagar has got to be some kind of fucking moron. Not that we need further proof after his hair/antics as the sloppy seconds post Diamond Dave front man for Van Halen. But to start a bar in a town called Cabo, meant to be a haven for the worlds worst-of-the-worst drunks who come complete with lots of vacation money for tequila and novelty t-shirts, that you name the towns name plus a meaningless rhyming syllable afterwards is so stupid its painful. Cabo Wabo. Chicago Whicago. Provo Wovo. Boise Woise. Dear lord. Apparently its just stupid enough to work. Fat, ugly Americans with no style, a party hearty attitude and a taste for public foreign drunkenness flock there. And revere Hagar's stupid ass for spawning a tequila, taco, schwag weed and barf party that lasts all year. In fact when i was in Cabo last week, it was ol sammys birthday party. I doubt that he went, but a lot of other morons did. I tried really hard not to cross the line into the Cabo Wabo courtyard during my stay, but the producers of the Talbot's catalog shoot that i was on wanted to buy a stupid tshirt for one of their husbands (who apparantly wanted people to know what a Cabo Wabo kind of guy he was so much that he's down to rep the spot with a t shirt without even going there.) I voiced my concerns about endorsing the place with my presence and about the amount of tolerance that it would use up which I could otherwise use waiting for them to try on their one thousandth poncho or buying a lil sombrero for their chihuahua. I couldnt see it clear to stand outside like a little kid while they went in, argh, so I went in too for a few moments and took in the puyallup fair crowd in cornrows and sombreros drinking tequila shots and corona backs. Really reminds you why the white house is in its current shape, it does represent the majority of our people. Sad sad sad but true. At least the ones who vote and make political contributions. And know how to read and write, at least marginally.