My Beautiful Experience

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Prizewinning Luck or an Excellent Mark

If anyone has any questions about instant Karma, id be glad to answer them in a word: Yes. Yes it exists, yes it hurts and yes it is to be factored in to each and every decision I make forthwith. I don't really understand karma that deeply anymore, the result of paying lots of money and not a lot of attention in my eastern tradition classes. But I know enough to know that its far more complicated than whatever you do comes back to you. But, thats what I mean by Karma in this instance so bear with me. On monday, which was Martin Luther King Jr day, the only US holiday worth recognizing, I skipped work and spent some Vieve time and also did Franchesska's hair. Her hair came out beautifully, ash blonde this time with almost no warmth. If you think bleaching penny red locks with black roots to an even ash blonde is easy, think again. Anyway, I told my work I got hot oil in my eye cooking green beans at my moms house and had to wear an eyepatch and couldnt come in. It was partially true, I did get hot oil in my eye coking green beans at my moms house, but it wasnt that bad, it stung and made my eye bleary for a minute but then it was alright. But I really needed that day, plus it is truly important to me to spend it doing something I couldnt have done wihtout the Dr Kings work. The next day I went to school and had a hard day, I spent the evening feeling really sorry for myself. At the time I felt like my feelings were really important and that I had been holding it in a long time and lahzehlah. So I was all weepy thinking about the people Ive lost this year and all the time I invested in those relationships and then of course how tired I was and how little time I had to attend to my life. Then I went to bed, thank god, and ended the pity party. I had a court date in the AM to contest one of the many parking tickets. I went, somehow convinced the Magistrate that the officer hadnt seen my zone four pass on the windshield and got it dismissed. Hallelujah. Of course you remember that my zone four pass really wasnt on the windsheild but was left in that stinking hot blue mustang that i drove for four days that got sold out from under me and then immediately totalled avec my parking pass, thank you very much. thankfully the magistrate seemed to have about the same level of confidence in the childeating metermaids as i do. it seemed logical to him that they could've mixed up my pass with the airfreshener hanging behind it.
Then I went to school, I had a dentist appt at two, but i figured a few hours at school are better than none. I practiced a perm wrap and ate lunch and went to my locker to get my purse and walk downtown. My lock had been cut off the locker and my purse was gone. Just mine. So either someone had cased it out and decided I was the best person at the school to rip off (which might be true, dammit) or the perp just picked my little purple lock out of the whole row of lockers as the lucky one. I dont know which one is worse, so I wont consider it any further. I was through. I cried. Then I pulled it together and called Bank of America. I found out where the bastard had been already with my debit card. The smoke shop and capitol hill camping. I sent a delegation of angry Cos students accross the street to the smoke shop to get the description while I cancelled all my checks and cards and took mental stock of all the other stuff that was in my purse. Sad. Thank god my self pity karma wasnt deep enough to cause me to lose my cell phone, I had it in my pocket. And I had an extra SIZZLA key made a few months ago to protect me from myself so I just had to go home to get it. So they got the description and also told me the smoke shop had video surveillance. I went up the street to Capitol Hill camping only to find that in 2 seperate purchases (both signed with the name Gerome, like that was as close as dude could get to Genevieve. Illiterate fuck. WHO CARES anyway, they dont even check names, and do most clerks really know if Genevieve is a man's or woman's name anymore? Name your kids Scott or Bethany, anything else is risky) he had spent upwards of 300 dollars on knives, mostly switchblades. Unsettling to say the least considering dude has my housekeys and address. Probably will pawn them all but still, could he be a bigger creep?The police came after about an hour. Sent a nice older cop who had been walkng the hill beat for over 20 years. I had pretty much done his homework for him so we just had to go collect the tape and charge slips as evidence. I checked all the dumpsters and trash cans in a two block radius (damn seattle is clean, really) and found nothing. I couldnt see anything on the tape but the officer said he'd watch it at the precinct and slow it down to be able to see him. White guy 5'9" ish black hair, beard stubble, scar on upper lip (or eyebrow...stupid cap hill camping guy.) So, as beautifully put by a Japanese card someone sent my mom, Be happy while awaiting happiness. Or someone might steal your purse. Otherwise the week was cool. Did moms hair, did Delphine's hair, did Bintu's hair, Phyllis' hair. All looked pretty darn good. Delphine has an inordinate amount of hair, it took forever and could have gone on if I werent already late to the Dark Village's holiday party held at palisade where you have to show your klan pass to get in the door, hell to even find the joint. Thats the only real reason to put anything in Magnolia, to keep people of color from getting there. It was all it was cracked up to be, white elephant gift exchange, Sabrina getting drunk and talking about how bad and hard her marriage is to Holly all the while but one seat away from her husband. Tiffani hardly spoke to me, OH WELL! Shoulda thought of that befor you talked to me like I was in adult diapers. I dont know what will happen next week of course (exept that it will entail me trying to get another dentist appointment which wont happen probably until next January) but you can believe Ill be trying my damndest to have a GREAT attitude about it!


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