My Beautiful Experience

Sunday, February 20, 2005

In Theory

Theory with Ms Dolores is hell on earth. I spent 5 hours of classtime talking about how to write a resume. Last week is was how to write a cover letter. Fully half of our time together is spent making sure we all understand when and how things are to be turned in. At the beginning of class, as we come in the door before we even get signed in or by the end of the day...the possibilities are endless. We had a late arrival day on Thursay so that we could conduct salon interviews. I had met with Robert from Robert Leonard on Tuesday and had made sure to type up the interview with my downtime in school on Wed. I stayed up late wed night after dinner with Camille and the stylist from Aria that we interviewed, writing a cover letter and second salon interview. I dont have a printer, so I usually put things on a disk and print them at school. Its amazing that I even have time to do any of the outside work she gives us and that I manage to do it and take it seriously (or at least not laugh in her face) considering I could easily and far more effectively be teaching this part of the class. So the deal was we come in at 1230 but if we have our work done we get the hours from 9-12:30 anyway. Well, I was running a little late so I thought I would come in and get signed in on time then park closeby and print out my assignments. I put my stuff in my locker came back out and my keys were gone. Long story short, in the two seconds they were on the table, a well meaning classmate (!!!) had picked them up thinking I forgot them and disappeared into thin air (she was in the bathroom.) It took me about 10 mins to find her and get them back. So annoying, didnt have time to print the assignments, had them all on the computer though. Ms Dolores felt that that was not the deal we had made about how assignments were to be turned in and signed me in at 12:30. You already know I had Ms V change it, but the point is SHE IS OUT OF HER MIND!!! There is nothing that rubs me the wrong way more vigorously than a stickler for meaningless rules.
Thats enough about that but suffice it to say I didnt have a lot to contribute to the class discussion about how to alert potential employers that your resume is enclosed with your cover letter. You know, unheard of phrases like please see attached, or enclosed please find... things that without Ms Dolores expert advice we would be sheep among wolves. Outrageous. Counting the days. You should have heard her dropping jewels about how you can list volunetter work as experience, or the bounteous options provided to you by the word freelance. Its positively remedial. I know a lot of students need remedial classes like this, but they would have had better luck with me first quarter when my all good all the time attitude was a little fresher and more well rested. :)
Happy presidents day.


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