My Beautiful Experience

Sunday, January 30, 2005

New Developments That Must Remain in January

Addendum to Fraud is Weak, Love is Everything:
Lexus of Bellvue, the bougie rats, insist that this second door locking problem is not a fault of their technicians fixing the first problem, but a mere coincendence! Why, when they fixed the problem with the handle, the lock (which according to them was probably holding on by a thread) just happened to break that same day, having nothing to do with them taking the door apart. But they can see how since I know so little about door anatomy, how I could make such a silly mistake, but its a totally seperate part. They generously offered to apply their labor charges from the last appt to this one so that it would ONLY cost me $350 dollars instead of $565. COME ON!!! You took my whole door apart, put it back together, and since that very day it wont lock and its a coincedence?!!?! What do I look like!?!!? He actually said to me that he was suprised that I wasnt more grateful about the discount he was giving me. I cant take it. Ima go take my car back, give them their Ludacris, Fabalous, sky blue SUV back and tell them to stick it. So if any of you know anyone fool enough to drive a lexus ( I love my car though) tell them to boycott lexus of bellvue, they're lying sons of donkeys. February has got to be better than this.


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