My Beautiful Experience

Saturday, January 29, 2005

February is the New January

So I don't have anything too earthshattering to write about this week ( do I ever?) I realized in a typical comedy of errors that my car not starting was a function of my fricking alarm. It occured to me briefly the last time but I figured I was an ignoramus (which I am) and that that couldnt have anything to do with it. So when I tripped the alarm at chevron on rainier and mc clellan at 11pm after dance on Monday, I knew that it couldnt be a coincedence that my car then wouldnt start. Luckily with the second quiet click of the key to the right, just as defeat was about to set in, my phone rang. Brian Quist, documentary filmmaker, darling of the seattle indie movie scene (see WWJP? What would jesus play? his short about pro sports which won awards and accolades at last years SIFF) and ladies man extraordinaire was abou t two blocks away. He came and pushed the car from the pump to the parking space and drove me to my sisters. Deep within I knew it would start in the morning, just like it had with Mad Max. And when Ariel took me to it at 830 it did. I called Lexus to ask if it could be a function of the alarm. Yes, you have to put the key in the drivers side door and turn it to the right twice (natch, I cant believe I didnt just do that out of instinct...) to reset the akjdhfuiundtyredgktor. Or whatever. Anyway, point is I needlessly replaced my starter last time. I hadnt even told Max that I set off the alarm so he couldnt have known. I love you brian quist, at your service.
As we speak my car is at lexus of Bellevue getting the lock fixed from the broken state they left it in when last they "fixed" it and I'm driving a new $100 thousand dollar Lexus SUV which makes me feel like a rockstar until i see the "lexus of bellevue loaner" sticker in my rearview mirror. :) finances are a mess. Copy everything in your wallet folks because if you think you'll remember whats in there when its stolen from you or you lose it on the subway, YOU'RE WRONG. And your life could be stolen/lost with it. I am in the throes of filling out a million "I swear my card was stolen and i dont buy cartons of cigarettes and personal weaponry" forms. I thank the good lord for my personal banker at U Village branch B of A who thinks of everything and calls to remind me to do stuff and make sure that I've actually made the purchases she sees appear on my account.
I did a lot of good hair this week...not as much as I could have since I was at the front desk all day on Wednesday. In class we are learning about Salon Management and the business end of being a lessor, sole proprietor, LLC, LP or whatever kind of business you decide to open. I have no interest in opening my own salon at all at this point, MAYBE leasing a chair maybe. But I have the inherited business sense of the grasshopper in the beloved fable of the grasshopper and the ant. I want to do like Orlando Pita and never open a salon until I am so sought after that I can work one day a week and people will call it "refreshing," and "unpretentious," that Ive opened a salon allowing the little people access to my star studded services. I read an article on him in Vogue. They refered to him as "the one who bravely cornrowed Madonna's hair for the ray of light video." That killed me. Bravely cornrowed. It really helped me to define my mission and vision in becoming a successful stylist: creating a trend is all about taking something which is run of the mill, mundane, or even passe in one context and having the scope of vision and creativity to put it in another context where it is "brave," new, and all the rage. Speaking of Madonna, I decided I want to do whatever she's doing as far as health is concerned. She looks damn good for her age (if not a little over muscley) and for being white. So in that vein, i had my first colonic. It pains me more than a little to admit it to the public but, nothing that isnt scary to reveal is very interesting to read. Not too bad. The woman who administered it at the little unsuspecting super yoga-y place that I went called the tummy temple was hilarious. She is tiny and filipina american, She talked about the havoc that spam and condensed milk sandwiches on wonder bread wreaked on her colon during her growing up years in Ohio. She divulged her nickname...Master Ass Blaster. I think im still a bit in shock. It was cool you know, a very new experience. Absolutely painless, more than a little weird but very cleansing feeling. I would recommend it to all as part of our health regimen as we start to, ahem, move into our later years?I went to a key bank ATM with Frances yesterday after giving her a browwax and deep condition, and they had a language option that looked like Basque. You know how they have you pick English or spanish to go through your translation? Well I know a couple of words or at least can regonize the way words look in most world languages and I have never seen words like that outside of Irun, this weird train station town in between France and Spain where everything is in Basque which has its roots in a Martian language group (Ive said it before Information=Argibideak in basque.) What kills me is are there that many whatever-the-hell-language-that-was-speakers using the ATM at Key on First Hill? I went in and asked the teller if she knew what it was, but I dont know if she knew what an ATM was so I didn't waste too much time in there. Im on the case and will let you know as soon as I do.
So, we shall see what happens next week. Say prayers for the spirit of Senegalese Pop Great Ndongo Lo who died of a heart attack due to hospital complications at 29. As well as the well known dancer, the daughter of Bouly Sonko, dir. of ballet nationale du Senegal, who died of grief a week later. Also my friend Heather's brother, 26, who died in an avalanche last week.We all need to be extra careful physically and emotionally a lot of people our age have been dying in really strange and sad circumstances lately so lets make sure that were in contact with each other as much as possible and be mindful when were out in all our various fabulous situations, mortality lays in wait.January has been far too rough, so I've put in for renewal of the year to be February first instead so get all your bad crap out the way and make way for Feb 1!!!