My Beautiful Experience

Friday, August 11, 2006

Rejection and my Empty Ipod

I think if you took a poll of Ipod users about whether Ipods were worth the grief that they put you through when they spontaneously erase themselves and leave only the instrumental bluegrass tunes that you put on for a kick in your library, hypothetically, you certainly wouldnt get an emphatically positive response. In fact if anyone wants my nano its all yours. Hope you like bluegrass. I didnt get the job at the Tribeca joint, which was sad both because I really liked that place, and because it marred my i get whatever job i apply for regardless of qualification track record. Ego slightly bruised, back to the drawing board. At first I thought she wasnt even going to call and tell me, cause it took her a long time to get back to me, and that made me feel really bad. but then she did call eventually and even thought it was to tell me she had "gone with another candidate" I still felt better than with no call. you know i dont do that passive agressive thing well. Since they seemed concerned about my sticktoitiveness, ive pretty much decided to stay where i am for the next while, and build up some longevity and some more clientele before I try to move on. Well see how that goes. i got a bunch of unsettling and very itchy spider bites that are distracting me. more later.


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