My Beautiful Experience

Monday, February 21, 2005

Update: Flying Seperately

So, I was suprised to find out that flying seperately to ensure at least one vacationing party's survival seems to be a pretty common practice, even among gentiles. My friends Graham and Linclon's parents both did it, and while they are salt of the earth, they are not among the chosen people. Graham, however is more neurotic than all the pedestrians on Ocean Parkway on a Saturday morning put together. I digress. Lincoln's parents just thought it was a solid idea. And of course, in the most disturbing and ironic update news my mom just happened to hear that very next day (and I think she said this was a movie, but I cant quite remember...) of a young parenting couple who made the shrewd and conservative decision to fly seperately and both planes crashed! Thats a fine how-do-you-do. If its time to go, its time to go. Ever since I came home and found the doorknob and deadbolt from my metal door sitting, intact, on my front stairs and my laptop and roomie's bike politely taken, I've felt that most precautions are useless. Plus, flying alone is a bitch. Depending on the length of the flight, I might just rather die. At least I'd have company.


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