My Beautiful Experience

Monday, April 18, 2005

One More thing...Benicia Del Tora confirmed!

Ariel saw her! And I didnt have to say anything. The greatest part is that the existance of God was confirmed at the same time!! How else would Benicia be the only person sitting eating lunch with me in the breakroom right when Ariel dropped in to give me a present?? I took her in there to meet Abena and it dawned on me that she would see Benicia too, I said Ariel-Abena, Abena-Ariel...and Im sorry, whats your name? "She" looked up and said her name, Naomi or something. She was on the phone. She is always on the phone. Probably talking to a Kevin Spacey look-a-like about some superb heist, a truck full of missile parts bound for Pakistan.
Ariel looked at me, her eyes wide and full of hilari-tears. We havent spoken of it since. Theres no need. It was a perfect moment. Im getting a camera tie.


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