My Beautiful Experience

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Conclusive Investigation: Fairness, or Dog Day Afternoon

Stephen stayed with me a week. As Erykah Badu says, it was the kind of food that endures. It was so refreshing to be together and know each other so well, it felt like a warm blanket. It made me remember when we lived together in the CD, when I had time to crawl in bed with him on weekend mornings and laugh my ass off at his hilarious stories from the gravity bar, the eagle or the seawolf from the night before. Made me remeber how anytime I was in my room when he got home he'd ask if I was touching myself before he came in. Usually I was vacuuming, talking on the phone, chilling with Fenster or reading some dry text assigned by whatever antisocial borderline sadist NELC professor I had that quarter. Made me remember him scrubbing our obnoxious white tile on his hands and knees in tighty whities as I stumbled downstairs hungover from smoke, 3 am Alibi Room closes and shift drinks strong enough to level a kangaroo. Actually I dont think I worked at the alibi while we lived together...why was I so hungover? Time plays terrible tricks on my already shaky event sequencing. Anyway. I was hungover and he was scrubbing the floor, that much is true. I remembered bewigged photo shoots on his Kawasakahabishi, and riding down rainier on the back, clinging to his leathers and watching the sun set on the way to Fasica for dinner. I went to the Eagle with him this trip. It was hilarious. Such a pickup joint. gay porn projected on the walls a well worn shirt optional policy and nowhere to sit (keep cruisin' sister.) I completely ruined Stephen's game. I was the only grrl (hahaha) in the place and unfortunately cant pass for a post op TS. Cursed be thou hips and feminine naso-cheek formations. When we came down thistle from beacon hill and on to my block after school, there were about six police cars and an animal control van in front of my neighbors house. THe house I lovingly refer to as the Ghetto Three Ring Circus due to its late night floodlighting and men working on cars up on jacks, kids turning cartwheels on the hoods of old beaters, and their dog running around free.I am a little ashamed to say that I assumed they were getting busted for something or other, possibly an illegal pitbull breeding operation? THis only occured to me because of the animal control van. There were so many police cars, I thought maybe a drug bust? These things arent unusual and I wouldnt have been terribly suprised although in retrospect I really had no reason to think anything untoward had been going on over there. A lot of used cars though boy, just sayin'. Bo, the guy who owns the house was shirtless and screaming all kinds of profanity at the officers. I really wanted to hear what he was saying but I couldnt make out any words from my house and I wasnt going to go eavesdrop like the other neighbors were doing, peering through bushes and shit. So I just decided Id probably hear about it later. JoAnn (landlady)called me that night. What happened was this. The popo was responding to a DV call from the Vietnamese folks living down the street. One of the cars parked in front of Bo's house and the officer got out and was walking down the street to the residence in question. As he walked past Bo's, Bo's dog ran out from behind the house towards the officer who immediately shot and killed the dog. Bo's dog was a boxer named Tyson. He was totally non agressive. I both dont like and actively fear dogs, If that dog had been mean I would have said good riddance. I actually dreamt for years of how I could kill the chow that lived down the street from me on 21st and barked in such a scary cujo way that he shaved years off my life during the time that I had to walk that street. And I would have done it too, killed the dog. I know I would have. I HATED that dog. Bo's dog should have been leashed, usually was leashed, but even loose was a totally unthreatening animal. Whats more he was many feet away. the dog died on the lawn and the shell from the cops gun was on the street. So sad. So wrong!! Dont police have some kind of training for things like that?? In leiu of training, dont they have tasers or something non lethal?? Plus he shot directly at the house, there are kids that always play in the yard, they could very easily have been in the dogs close pursuit. Its a shame. If the fuzz had shot and killed a golden retreiver in laurelhurst there would be some kind of formal policy revision and probably a public apology. Thats all the time we have today. I know it wasnt beautiful, but sometimes life takes precedence. Ill do a beauty updated tomorrow. Have a fab Sat night.


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