My Beautiful Experience

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Fairness II: This just in...

In a rare and striking flash of poetic justice, I came home to find a UPS overnight delivery envelope stuffed into my mailbox. Nestled inside was the tiny manila envelope I have come to know so well, with my lexus of bellevue invoice stapled to the outside and my 86.00 key inside. I suppose it must have fallen out of the giant box that asshole in parts put it into and rattled around the dark underbelly of our parcel shipping system for a couple weeks before being discovered by some well compensated UPS employee who read the invoice and responisbly sent it on to my address. Now I have two extra keys! And I feel much better about paying 43 dollars per key rather than 86. Its the little things, the mini-triumphs. Also, Bo, of ghetto three ring circus noteriety, already has a new dog, a pitt, who is now rarely leashed. live and (dont)learn. Maybe life is fair after all. Case re-opened.I had my first adult eye exam this morning. Id been a little concerned that I wasnt able to focus past my windshield when driving at night (the solution could be as simple as a car wash...)and found myself a little ovewhelmed by lane changes and such things. 20/15. Same as when I was a kid, like 15+ years ago, he last time I remember having my eyes checked. No cute frames for me. Kind of a mixed blessing. I wouldnt let her put the dialating drops in my eyes. Too creepy. So I could still have undetected retinal detachment, or optical nerve damage behind my eye. Ill take my chances, rather than looking like dawn of the dead for two hours with big tweaker pupils.This was our last week of clients and I dont really remember doing anything. I must have because I was there everyday but, was I really THERE? Not really. I remember Ms A on Fri, and another rollerset after her. That one was on a little old white lady who looked amazing for her 89 years. She had nothing but depreciating things to say about her appearance, her face was too skinny, her hair was limp and impossible. She was really quite beautiful. Hope by the time Im 90 I have it worked out to where I feel pretty good about how things are going and dont spend too much time worrying about the amount of body in my hair. I turned in my portfolio and gave a little presentation on it in theory class with ms v on thursday. So did everyone else. It was really nice, to hear everyones vison and purpose statements, to learn a little more about everyone. While I was listening to people's presentations, hearing Camille talk about memories of her father before he died of AIDS, how he held her when she had the flu even though it could have been lethal for him if he caught it, hearing about Tamara's adoptive home in Arizona after her mom gave her up, about Abena looking out the window of her apartment in a run down poverty stricken area of east cleveland seeing the coiffed and beautiful women being turned out by the beauty shop across the street and knowing she belonged where everyone looked so rich and put together. I thought about what I had said and realized that even though I said a lot of things about what I want to do and where I see myself, i dont really tell anyone about me on a personal level. My writing, while pretty good, and certainly technically above most peoples, seemed detached and risk free. Im gonna think about that, and if it carries over to the rest of my life, cause I think it might and that worries me. I made a cute binder out of a cheapo pink three ring from bartells, some teal ribbon and abalone shells. I cant wait to be able to get better photos of my work. they look super amateur.
I am nervous and excited about our practical exams next week. Here is the run down:930 Carrie, full head foil with High Lift Natural and double 40 developer. Drop the packets by 11:15. 11:30 Lindsey, permanent wave. Wrapped and processing by 1230. 12:30 Kathleen, relaxer, based and protecto'ed by 12:50 when I will (hopefully) neutralize and drop lindsey's rods and hand her off to be styled1:00 apply kathleen's relaxer, smooth and finish processing by 1:35 have her rinsed, neutralized and conditioned by 2!
Its a race against time wiht three of the longest chemical processed you can do in 5 hours. Sounds like a freaking reality show. Should be a challenge and I cant WAIT to get it over with. You will of course be notified of the outcome. Late night was cool last week. I got some really special cases to work on, some kids in real need of hair done. Castor oil and a bi-monthly shampoo does not make for a luxurious head of hair. Then Abena and I went out to Mc Gowan's in renton where I drank an Incredible hulk. Its some new breed of drink that looks like antifreeze and tastes like hawaiian punch. Its a new breed because its made by mixing Courvoisier and Hypnotiq. GHETTO!!! Who would mix courvoisier with anything let alone anything that belongs in a blue hawaiian or electric iced tea? Ludacris would, thats who. Lil Jon. Or freaking Chingy. Pimp juice baby!! Ive been listening to some best of Eminem CD in my car, good lord. The lyrics get so punishing when you listen to song after song, with as many kids that identify with him, we are in a world of hurt. Anyway, the drink was pretty good, i am loathed to admit, and Abena and I had a good time hanging out. We get along really well and I think, no I know, I'm her first white friend. Alta el revolucion! She wore a rabbit fur coat and brought me this outrageous pantsuit, brown ultrasuede that she must have bought in a moment of true self deception. One of her breasts wouldnt fit in that shirt, let alone two and the rest of her torso. I only wore the top, not there yet for the two together. Ill leave it for the J.Los of the world. Abena is so beautiful its really rediculous. And has so much vison and motivation, its inspirational. How anyone makes it to school everyday with three kids is TOTALLY beyond me.I had a date last night and got into a collision with several then, dry brain now. Im gonna go rehydrate. See you next week.


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