My Beautiful Experience

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Memorabelia is a Double Edged Sword

I contracted a hacking cough the day of my last day at robert leonard. Ive been really enjoying the Robitussin DM, though. I must say. I know what all those RoboCops in high school were making such a fuss about. Its like legal heroin! Take two teaspoons and be asleep like the dead in under five minutes. Not sleeping heavily enough that I couldnt be awakened by one of my client's baby's moms calling me to accuse me of sleeping with her man-child, my lock client, after she dug my number out of his backpack. Will the fun never stop? But, The plot thickens! So, this is the guy I met through Romy, whose babys mom ripped me a new one outside of school. Turns out this kids ex and romy's ex are cousins! Hey There! looks like psycho runs in the family. I gave her a 30 second counseling session when she called to apologise for playing on my phone until 1 o clock in the morning (ringer off!) and told her that she better focus on her future and herself instead of some man that has her acting crazy calling grown women in the middle of the night. She was like youre right, its been seven years though, how do I get over him? I said she better get comfortable with feeling some grief and take small steps towards reaching personal goals. What can I say, i was feeling a little overcompassionate after I woke up disgustingly early (perhaps a not so fantastic robitussin side effect) and watched montel. He had this woman on who had been sleeping in bed wiht her fiancee of two weeks when a bullet from her next door neighbor (who came home drunk and CLEANED HIS GUN at FOUR IN THE MORNING)came through her wall, entered her body through her arm, nicked her spinal cord and paralyzed her. Her adorable fiancee never left her side, despite the fact that they were 20, and married her two years later and she is now 4 months pregnant and still in a wheelchair. She dropped all charges against her stupid careless neighbor (said she didnt want to keep hate in her heart...) and now leans on him for support so she doesnt have to bother her husband all the time while he is at work. Ok? two things 1. We are never safe and nothing is garanteed 2. I should not be allowed to watch daytime TV alone. I started the long and arduous process of culling yesterday. I sat on the ground going over pictures, letters and papers trying to decide what i could part with and what memory augmentation I would want to pour over when Im an octogenarian. TO BE CONTINUED.


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