My Beautiful Experience

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Beau Brooklyn Breaks it Down

I took a cab from my house to Williamsburg on Friday to do a photo shoot for a swank mens clothier that my friends were shooting for their website. I did NOT want to go, nor did I have time. But...I had agreed to and though I tried to wriggle out, they had committed to this designer that they would have hair there and I couldnt leave them in the lurch. Integrity! Out out damned spot! As usual though, New York's richest rewards come when you least expect them. I got into the cab (which the photo guys used to bribe me to come so it wouldnt take my whole day just getting to and fro) and was pleasantly suprised to find an older american gentleman the likes of whom rarely drive cabs these days. An original brooklynite named Beau, who technically had no idea how to get where we were going but said "well just drive in dat gen'rl die'reckshn" and went to the corner of Grand and Morgan like a homing pidgeon in a race. The ride was short and sweet, but Beau managed to bestow apon me some real kernels of brooklyn wisdom before we parted company. First of all, he was amused and delighted to see that there was a huge smokestack by the side of the BQE that was being dismantled, but brick by brick. There were a few guys inside just throwing one brick at a time over the edge, shrinking the stack ring by ring. He swore that the damn thing was ten stories higher yesterday. It definitely looked like its days as a landmark were numbered with each brick that flew haphazardly out of the top. I couldnt help wondering what kind of safety device they had set up to save passers by from being brained by falling bricks.
As we passed an amazing device that was noiselessly shifting the heavy concrete lane dividers from one side of one lane to the other to allow traffic to start flowing in more lanes going our direction, Beau was overcome with the anxious excitement of an inventor!
"Now deres a pah'ent! Deres a pah'ent! Dis baarier mover, look at dat ting. See? It moves dat baarier from here to there like dat! Dey move on dose swivels between. Incredible. Das a helluva patent. Another incredble pa'ent? In de ol'days to rip up de streets you 'ad a guy wit a jack'ammer like dis (incredible impersonation of jackhammering man) now dey got dese machines what shake de top level loose an den de back paht goes undeh the loosend layeh, scoops it right up and den trows it into a truck dat goes drivin right behien da damn ting. Now das a pa'ent."
As we wended our way through the serpentine and reasonless one way streets of brooklyn he started to revel in his own language, which I was thrilled by. He was inspired by his reaction to my friend Henry's directions to get off the BQE at exit 34, when the exits went from 33 to 35. "Who is this guy? Is he a may-oh-ree (maori, Henry is from New Zealand) I ought trow 'im a beatin! Ha! Trow! Das a great brooklyn sayin'! Deres tree great Bruklin sayins. Numba one; Its outta my'yands! Outta my'yands! Ha! Numba two; Don' make me come back der! If I yave to come back dere, ill trow you a beatin, which of coas is numba tree. You really gotta be from Brooklyn to delivah dese tings properly." At this point we pulled up to my destination. He not only turned onto my street off the arterial, which many cab drivers dont do, but u turned to put me on the right side. We tried to figure out how he could pick me up later but I didnt know how long I would be and his home base was by my house. He warned me that calling the local service would "put me in a whol' new situation wit a whol new et'nicity." I couldnt have him waiting around. I wished him well, and that I would see him again. I gave him 25 bucks, five more than the car service had quoted me (doesnt everyone tip cabbies?) " Now thas a classy lady. What did you say your name was? Vivi? Ha! I could wake up to dat!"

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Does it get better than...

ASS IMPLANTS??? You heard it here folks. This must be some sort of pinnacle. The additudinal-hearse-chasing-welfare-scamming-"depression-suffering" dominican assistant at my work got ass implants. She came in talking about how she had had some surgery so she was a little sore. I never would have believed i could be like this but i didnt want to get into any kind of conversation with her so i didnt ask what kind of surgery it was! Oh god, i have really turned some kind of corner. Anyway, then I heard her talking about how she just had to wear this supportive garment and she couldnt sit down and i remembered how a few weeks ago she had brought up (at the same time as she justified never taking her 2 year old outside of her apartment building, the daycare is in the building, by saying that she suffers from depression. I understand, I said, but there are things you can do to bring yourself out, "No I cant! its not that kind, I suffer from it!" Ok. You do that then. Like the doctors told her she suffered from depression and the word suffer became part of the diagnosis, an insecapable sentence) her complex, that everyone in her family had a round ass and she had a complex because hers wasnt as round so she wanted augmentation (she didnt say augmentation.) I told her there were somethings i think are too stupid to talk about and that was one of them. Kibosh! But, apparantly she has some benevolent doctor friend who could see that her only problem was a less than protuberant gluteus reigon and if she could just remedy this tragic deficiency, why her life would become hunky dory! She was quick to tell us, with great frequency, that it was "jus a leequid. Its naht a beeg one, she jus use a leequid so it chas to charden den das all, im done. no liyke facking bres' implans or like nasty when dey cut chor skin, now das nasty! Dis is jus a leequid." Yeah, alright. Its hilarious. And whats more it looks exactly the same to me. I would never have noticed.
I had a client today whom I met at the Bryant Park! She called me to do her cut and color and I met her at the salon after the useless time wasting kerastase ed meeting where I was again struck, like I was in Ms Kendra's class first quarter, by peoples lack of understanding of how to learn, how to remember things and lack of brain hooks to hang information on. There are two conditioners, one is a deep nutritive one and one is a quick refresher for dry after sun hair. They two are called Creme Richesse and Gelee Fraiche. I did not have to look that up. Can you guess which is which? I think I could even if I hadnt already undergone intensive training. Not so for the staff at Lo****a! That was a 20 min discussion which ended in confusion and just needing to move on for the sake of time. I am not exaggerating. Its made worse by the total naivite about marketing, people really search and look for why certain products are in certain lines and why youre supposed to use one product only with the others from its line, why the containers are plastic and so forth. The answer to these questions and almost any other ones you can come up with about high end shampoos (i mean cleansers) is "because they can make more money that way." WHen the educator all but said that, "well alot of these decisions are made by marketing," people looked crushed! Like a integritous luxury company like L'Oreal would never sacrifice quality or customer loyalty to pad the bottom line! Never! Sacre Bleu!" Gag me with a spoon!
Anyhoo, I did this womans hair, brought her back to a cool brown from a reddish color which she hated and some nice long layers, nothing fancy but she loved it and it was fun. I cant wait to not be an assistant. I finally got whatever stupid paperwork I need from WA state so Ill be taking the test this next week when I get home. If i dont pass, ill hurl myself into the Gowanus.
Mahdis got to see the sick, sick Mother Daughter combo yesterday when she came in for a blowout. They were on pretty decent behavior, but their appearance alone is alarming as hell. And the already homeless countenance of the mother was accentuated by a dingy white neckbrace that hung loosely around her stocky shoulders just tight enough to exacerbate the double chin. Mahdis' hair looked great though! And i bought new shears and got to try em out on her first! Theyre awsome.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Fashion Week and a Chinese Massage

So the hearse chasing dominican assistant at work has been talking about how when she gets her tax return check she's going to go to "my country" to see her daughter (she has two of her kids with her and the rest are in the DR so that her familymembers can claim them for tax credits, dont ask me how it works.) So she doesnt get her check, and she calls the IRS and they tell her that she has an outstanding school loan from several years ago so theyve garnished her check. She went hysterical, at work and left very dramatically, tears and running. It was really sad. I spent a couple hours thinking about how some peoples lives are just miserable and they continue to make them more so and there just isnt anything you can advise them to do that will actually help. Then the next week she comes in and says her mom is buying her the ticket and had said "Hija I dont know why you work, I will pay for you!" You coulda knocked me over with a feather. Why the hell are you always crying poor and pathetic all the time if you have help?? Flabbergasted. Simple Simon is on vactaion in Florida, god knows what hes doing down there but I hope he falls in love with someone or something ans stays there happily forever. I think hed be happier somewhere slower, where people dont expect a quick mind or need their clothes to stay dry after a shampoo. I know my work life (and my hope for a non flaming afterlife) has much improved since he's taken his leave. I finally got sick of having to run the albanian gauntlet everytime I go downstairs to do laundry. I dont know if I mentioned it, but for the last three months weve been tearing out the basement and building small massage rooms. The guys doing the construction are albanian and there is one young guy in particular who has asked me for my phone number every time i go down there, interspersed with making hissing noises and saying classic american phrases like "sexy hey" and "hi baby." Ive pretty much played it off and made jokes, I told his friends to tell him i couldnt see myself having a phone conversation with him since his english and my albanian were pretty much neck in neck. Finally last week he asked me again and I lost my patience. I said " No, no you cant have my phone number because I dont watnt to talk to you on the phone or otherwise." I dont know if he understood the words but im sure the tone translated. Remember this is after three months of this, I was starting to dread going downstairs. So the next day, his dumb friend comes up next to me while Im making a sub par cappucino (the foaming already) and says, "youre getting so fat! what happened to you?" What an asshole! First of all, I have not gained weight, second I was cute enough for you guys to make my life hell for three months and when i finally put my foot down then Im fat? Men are such jerks its amazing. Yeah, my feelings were hurt, thats my achilles heel, but more I was angry and imagining them treating some girl like that who was less likely to tell him where to stick it and more likely to hate herself more than she already does. So I told Oksana (the receptionist) because she knows the super, their boss, and I wanted her to tell them. But of course she has to ask the other assistants if they are bothering them as well. And since the venezuelan girl assistant is the biggest hater ever, one of those girls in high school who only hung out with guys and made other girls cry at lunch, she runs downstairs and tells the guys that I told and they should watch themselves. I know thats what happened cause she dissappeared for 10 mins downstairs and when I went to switch the laundry they were all silent and laying tile. THe laundry room is like a closet, its narrow and small and dusty, the insulter had laid the stone tile on one side, and was kneeling in the only spot i could stand in, since we cant step on the tile when its first down. He opened the dryer door, like i could come in and stand right in his face to get the clothes out. I asked him how he expected me to get the towels out of the dryer if I couldnt step on the tiled side and he wouldnt move out of my way on the other side. He looked at me like he didnt care how I got my shit done and if he could put me in the dryer he would. But he moved, the bastard. The joys of womanhood. I hate that venezuelan girl. I dont beleieve the kind of crap I have to deal with with these people, I never knew about this kind of small mindedness.
Moving on. I had the time of my life doing hair at the Bryant Park Hotel for fashion week. Fashion Week is the week where they set up big heated tents in Bryant Park and all the best designers, new and established, unveil their spring and fall design collections. Tickets are coveted, you have to know someone or be someone to get in, and Fashionistas foam at the mouth to get all the free stuff and expensive gifts that product lines give away hoping to be associated with the who's who of couture. The Daily, a fashion newspaper, sponsored a suite in the penthouse of the hotel (which is beautiful and swanky in a danish modern way) for fashion editors, journalists, producers and fashionistas in need of a break from the hectic pace of the tented shows accross the street. I was hired by Blink PR, my friend's company whose clients product she had placed in the suite, a hair product line (me) a makeup line with two makeup artists, a fragrance skin care line, makeup brushes and massage products with two masseurs doing hand massages. The hair product line that I was repping is called Prawduct, designed by a celebrity stylist named Robert Hallowell who I spoke with from his trailer on the set of Commander in Chief where he was "following Donald Sutherland around trimming his nose hair." He was awesome, so down to earth and very enthusiastic and excited about his prawduct ( He thanked me for being the transamerica, transgendered him, and I told him that I would love to meet him when I was in La in may so we are supposed to have dinner and "adult libations." I cant wait. I got to meet all kinds of cool people, and I was expecting a lot of attitude but everyone was very kind and had a great time. Bacardi was sponsoring and there was some fancy restaurant giving out hors d'ouveres, mojitos aplenty probably helped the mood. I did the hair of the producers of all those fox reality shows, of NY Times fashion journalists and GQ columnists, plus some really cute girls self proclaimed "bagistas" who had started a online site all about designer handbags, she was so exited to tell me that this week they were giving away a cream sienna to one lucky site visitor!! When I asked what that was, I was suprised that she didnt know who made it either, but that it was THE hottest bag right now. Hilarious. I saw Finola Hughes (anna from general hospital) and some winning contestant on American Idol who I had never heard of. Everyone was happy with their hair, I didnt have lots of time, so I did updos, flatirons and big curling iron waves. People took my cards and were all excited to come see me. Thursday was so busy I could hardly look up, all I saw was hair from 3 to 8. My friend whose PR company it was was happy with how it went, and thought I did a great job. After the last day, we went and ate ethiopian food (it was no Ibex...) and they treated me to a massage at one of those weird lower east side chinese massage places that look kinda happy endingish and were probably brothels at one time. Ive never had a late night massage, and without a glass of wine and a mojito Im not sure I would have turned my body over to this random chinese man. I was unable to tell if he had had any formal massage training... my guess is no. He was really sweet and committed, but it wasnt great, he really focused on my left shoulder which is now quite sore, but I was falling asleep and it was pretty relaxing, He had a good touch and it was warm in there. So theres one step closer to the end of chinese predjudice, I have been working on it by the way. Mainly through positive talk on the train, and through talking to my friend emily who spent quite a bit of time in china and has some insight on their public bodily functions.
Oh, speaking of bodily functions, its been since the days of SVI that Ive seen people more gross and dysfuntional than this family that comes in to the salon twice a week to get the daughters hair blown out. The mother is short and quite heavyset. She looks like someone you might see sleeping on the steps of a church, she has long knotted hair, large warts in the corners of both eyes, always wearing a big down coat and carrying lots of bags. Her daughter is tall and obscenely skinny with blond hair. She wears greenish contacts and has her mothers pug nose and the most pained expression. She is in her mid 20's, and has to be propped up on the shampoo bowls with about 20 towels so that her neck doesnt have to bend. Apparantly she has a neck problem, thats not the only problem shes got. She wears a thin longsleeved tshirt with a sweetheart neck (which shows her ribs and her nipples) and a flowered skirt, all the time regardless of weather. They arrive late in cabs every time and the mom is always apologising that they got up late, their appointment is at 6 pm. When I say their appt i mean the daughter only, the mom never gets anything done. La Flaca (everyone at the salon's affectionate nave for the daughter) is so abusive to her mom, I cannot tell you how upsetting it is to hear. Last week something she had was broken and she was screaming like that spoiled girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory "No!! I want it replaced NOW! Tonight! Go get it NOW!!!" She threw her purse on the ground in the back and stormed out to the chair and waited for someone to start blowing her hair. Her mom picked up the purs and put it next to her and brought her a magazine to look at. She snatched it and said "Go get it now! I told you to hurry!!" She has sores on her legs and theyre often bleeding. I think she wants to be a socialite so badly that she thinks if she can just be thin enough and have her hair done enough that she can leave behind her baglady lookin mom and her psychotherapist dad and be normal. Well it it NOT working. Also, this other client heard us talking about her outburst and she was like "I went to school with her! She graduated summa cum laude from Harvard! We tried to have an intervention about her eating disorder but she said she'd always been a thin girl..." Thin does not explain her before and after blow dry trips to the bathroom which leave us having to clean up an...unsightly mess and air out the whole back of the salon due to the unmistakeable smell of a bulemic with not long to go. The girl is truly sick, and possibly not long for this world. I guess its the eventual outcome, the ugly side of all this fashion week couture obsession. The runway models are so thin that their arms look like long angular branches stuck to the sides of their hanger shoulders. Like no women I have ever seen, and ive seen some thin women. Actually La Flaca is the closest to that body ive ever seen and shes on her way to the glue factory! Money does not sanity buy folks. And a good blow dry does not put you next to Portia diRossi at Balthazar for cocktails on page six.

Monday, February 06, 2006

911 is a Joke

Chuck D had much inspiration and evidence for writing the ever popular 80's rap anthem "911 is a Joke." And the young american public had and has many reasons for embracing it. None of them are funny, though and thats why the "Cops!" moment that we had in the salon yesterday tops them all. It was about two thirty and this very well dressed older woman with a very good plastic surgeon walked into the salon. She was short and petite, wearing the requisite upper east side fur bear costume, you could tell she was high maintenance and probably a little eccentric, but who isnt up there? So I gave her a smock and she had a very long consultation with the sweet japanese stylist she had an appointment with. Then I shampooed her, we chatted, she was unmarried, no kids, one estranged sister in Philidelphia and chalked her youthfulness up to never being bothered with the hassle of family. Yeah...I'll take the wrinkles and skip the life of lonely isolation, thanks! Plus Id give a little more of the credit to whichever MD she spent three college tuitions on. I know what you're thinking! Not this one though, Greek. Despie.
So, she sits down and starts the haircut. Not five minutes later I hear her going up to the desk "You have a very angry customer on your hands! very upset!" So from what I could hear Chaim told her he'd fix whatever she didnt like and she came and sat down in his chair. He hadnt cut hair the first when she starts screaming that hes ruining her hair, she cant believe this is happening. I was at the shampoo bowl with another client trying desperately to make out words from her shrill shreiking and Chaim's exasperated explanations. Sadly the driers soaked up the details but I could hear them fighting for several minutes! Every time he tries to show her what he wants to do, or explain something she tries to snatch the comb from his hands. Finally, he sees that his rational explanations are like spitting in the wind and tells her that hes very sorry but he wont be cutting her hair, she doesnt have to pay anything but that there is nothing more he can do for her. But Despie isnt satisfied!! No! She wants him to finish what he started, "but I didnt cut your hair." Despie "LIAR! Youre lying!" Chaim(trying to calm her down with classic Israeli hand on the shoulder) " Please.." Depie "Dont touch me! Take your hands off me! Youve ruined my hair and now you wont do anything about it! Im calling the police!!' Chaim "Please do! go right ahead" So Im watching from the back as she goes outside on her cell phone and read the dispatcher the address off the awning. I couldnt believe it. She then came back in and sat in Chaims chair and proceeded to sit there and wait, prompting one client to ask "what is she doing? waiting for her hair to grow back?" I was dying! I just knew that the police would never respond to such bullshit, but I hoped against hope that they would come and make this the most hilarious day of my salon life. And, because and inspite of this being NYC, the finest arrived not half an hour later. They listened to her tale of woe, and tried to take her seriously. Then they went over to chaim and told him that she just wanted him to finish what he started. He reiterated that he hadnt started anything which prompted a new bout of screaming accusations from despie, including that he had hit her! The look on the officer's face when he came over to the desk was priceless. " I have dealt with this subject before, what Im wondering is, is there anyone else in here that will finish the haircut?" Hell no!! Would you? I told him that there was no way anyone else would take on that kind of liability but that she was more than welcome to leave and never come back! And if they left without escorting her from the premises we would certainly be calling them back on a trespassing charge. The other officer came over and said "So long story short no one wants to do her hair and you want her to get out?" Bingo. I brought her her ugly ass mink and her lime green cashmere scarf and they led her out into the wind, cursing all the way. The receptionist said she wasnt suprised, that at the last salon she worked at she found out that there are these women who run the soho hair circuit calling the police for foul hair play and getting the best services free and moving on to the next salon. I find it absolutely stunning that someone so expensively accessorized could be willing to face total public embarrasment and shame in front of law enforcement preferable to paying 65 dollars for a cut and blowdry. Very strange priorities.
Berkelhammer, prawduct, the shoot